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Mortal Kombat 9


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‘Mortal Kombat’ Complete Roster Leaked, the Krypt Returns


1. Ich weiß nicht ob es "Realms" geben wird Sprich EU/US ..oder gar Länderartig UK AT DE FR jeder für sich..


• The online mode will be restricted to your area. E.g., if your playing from the west part of the USA, you’ll only be able to play against people from the same region. Sanchez explained that this decision was made in order to prevent lags during online matches.

Bearbeitet von mcafe
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mmm irgendwie immernoch zweifelhaft.


30 Kämpfer (+ Kratos) sind immernoch mehr als 26 angekündigt. Naja man wird sehen. Aber das man im Code den Namen gefunden hat, heisst lange nicht, das sie in der Vollversion dabei sind. Schlieslich sind häufig vorab Teile von DLCs im Code (man denke nurmal an Mass Effect usw.)

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‘Mortal Kombat’ Complete Roster Leaked, the Krypt Returns




• The online mode will be restricted to your area. E.g., if your playing from the west part of the USA, you’ll only be able to play against people from the same region. Sanchez explained that this decision was made in order to prevent lags during online matches.


Wo hast du die info her? Kannst du mir die Quelle nennen? ;)

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Soo ..um ein paar missverständnisse aus dem weg zu räumen leite ich das mal hier her weiter.


First, I gotta say that I'm REALLY sorry for what I've done, and I'll do everything I can in order to fix it as soon as possible, not only because Hector asked me to do so, but because that's what I have to do. Since those rumors were posted here too, I have to post this here.



For those who don't know what I'm talking about, I'll explain it from the beggining:

Last thursday (03/10), there was an event at a local Books & Eletronics Store here in São Paulo, where Hector Sanchez demo'd the game for the Brazilian public himself. Hours later, Binho posted some supposed 'new infos" about the game in our Brazilian MK community, incluiding things such as "region blocked online mode" and "human Sektor and Cyrax", which got Hector Sanchez in LOTS of trouble (I'll explain them later).


He posted all those things in our community like there wasn't any problem in doing so, so I thought it would be great if she could share all those information to other MK fansites, since he posted a lot of revealing news and he's the source of all those "leaks". But he said he was too tired, and he had some personal stuff to do, so he asked me to post it on MKO. And so I did.


The thread generated 7 whole pages, filled wth LOTS of comments about the region block. It was everything ok to me back then, since there was some big news. Unfortunately, I just found out what I really did when I talked to Hector Sanchez himself today, in the event called "GameWorld 2011.


Hector said to me that all the information I posted in that thread got spread all over the internet, and he got in lots of trouble because of that. Lots of gaming sites and magazines flooded his e-mail asking him to explain in details what he supposedly said. "But I didn't say anything!" (those are the EXACT words he said).


Hector explained that all of that was pure misundestandings and mistranslations, and that he NEVER said those things. He also explained that the "region block" thing was a hude misunderstand, where he actually said that the "Match Making" online mode would just SEARCH for players close to you in order to prevent lag. That's all! He also said that we'll be able to play against ANY PLAYER in another continent without any restriction.

About the human Sektor/Cyrax thinh, Hector said that whe just explained that both of them were once humans and were only automated during the third tournament with the invasion of Earth. Also, he said that he absolutely DID NOT CONFIRM ANYTHING about Cyber Sub-Zero.


He didn't go deep about the other things that was posted in the other thread, mas said that everything was just some coments misunderstood and mistranslated.


He also said that he recieved an e-mail from ED BOON HIMSELF, where he asked "Did you say all those things?". Hec's girlfriend (she was there) also revealed that Hector couldn't sleep at all that night. He was REALLY MAD about this things.


Well, at least today he wasn't so angry as he said he was. I explained him everything that happened in our talk and he understood that this wasn't my fault.. Yet, he asked me to explain things up and fix this situation as soon as I get home. And that's what I'm doing now.


So please, I REALLY want you guys to spread this text to all the sites which got the false information! Please, say that everything was pure misunderstanding/mistranslation when anyone asks you about the region block thing or any another point of that thread.


I'm REALLY sorry for what I've done, and I'll do everything I can to fix this situation. Please, forgive me people.


Quelle: TRMK

Bearbeitet von rinc-e
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MK vs. DC war ein offizieles Mortal Kombat (auch wenns mich nicht zufrieden stellt und ich es als schlechtestes Mortal Kombat eveer sehe ;) )


Die deutsche Tonspur Interesiert mich aber Herzlich wenig, jedoch wäre stellenweise für Leute die nicht so gut englisch Sprechen ein Untertitel nett, wie bei Armegeddon und co ;)

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