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[Dark Souls] Allgemeiner Diskussions/-Fragethread

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Dann sag ich mal: Glückwunsch X) (auch wenn es schon her ist^^)



So, mal was anderes, ich hab die Klauen gefunden und würde gerne mit dennen das Spiel rocken (soll ja Fun machen, so X-Men like rumzulaufen macht sehr viel fun, zumindest mir.) Was muss man Skillen um ordentlich schaden auszuteilen? :D hoffe mal hier geht sich jemand mit den Klauen aus^^


Die Klauen skalieren mit Dex. Wie bei fast allen Waffen kann man aber auch Blitz-, Feuer-, Chaos-Klauen etc. draus machen. Wenn du dich für ein Element entscheidest würde ich erstmal auf Blitz und Feuer gehen, sofern du 2 davon hast, dann sind in Str. und Dex. nur die Mindestanforderungen notwendig. Ansonsten musst du mindestens 40 in Dex investieren.



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Die Klauen skalieren mit Dex. Wie bei fast allen Waffen kann man aber auch Blitz-, Feuer-, Chaos-Klauen etc. draus machen. Wenn du dich für ein Element entscheidest würde ich erstmal auf Blitz und Feuer gehen, sofern du 2 davon hast, dann sind in Str. und Dex. nur die Mindestanforderungen notwendig. Ansonsten musst du mindestens 40 in Dex investieren.




Vielen dank ^^ :D


Wie läuft denn die "seltene Waffen" trophy ab? braucht man von jeder Waffe etwas? :/ könntest du mir die Trophy mal erklären sofern du willst natürlich :)

Bearbeitet von Mokuna
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Wtf? o.O! Klar gibt es so eine Trophy O.o!


Nein, ich mein die "Die Ehre des Ritters"

Wo man alle seltenen Waffen sich beschaffen muss


x) sorry, eventuell sehr dumm formuliert.

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Du brauchst zB alle Waffen(auch Bögen, Schilde, Catalyst's u.s.w) die du mit den Bossseelen beim Schmied in Anor Londo herstellen kannst.

Zudem brauchst du noch einige Waffen die man an bestimmten Stellen einsammeln kann. Man braucht nicht "alle" Waffen, sammel am besten erstmal alles ein was du so findest und mach dann einfach ne Checkliste, so habe ich es zumindest gemacht. Es gibt haufen Foren und Seiten auf denen haargenau erklärt wird, welche Trophäe man wie bekommt ;)

Bearbeitet von Jordan1411
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Wtf? o.O! Klar gibt es so eine Trophy O.o!


Nein, ich mein die "Die Ehre des Ritters"

Wo man alle seltenen Waffen sich beschaffen muss


x) sorry, eventuell sehr dumm formuliert.

Joa, die trophy gibt es xP


Hier die waffen die du brauchst und wie man sie findet:


  • Astora's Straight Sword - Found in the Valley of the Drakes.
  • Black Knight Greataxe - Dropped by the axe-wielding Black Knights located in the Catacombs and in Kiln of the First Flame.
  • Black Knight Greatsword - Dropped by the sword-wielding Black Knight in Undead Burg.
  • Black Knight Halbred - Dropped by the spear-wielding Black Knights located in Darkroot Basin and in the Kiln of the First Flame.
  • Black Knight Shield - Dropped by any Black Knight.
  • Black Knight Sword - Dropped by the Black Knight in Undead Burg.
  • Blood Shield - Found on the bridge following the battle with the Undead Dragon in the Painted World of Ariamis.
  • Channeler's Trident - Dropped by the Channeler (mage) in the Duke's Archives. The drop rate is extremely low so be prepared to have to grind a bit.
  • Chaos Blade - Ascended using the Soul of Quelaag using any of the weapons below after reinforcing to +10.
  • Crescent Axe - Obtained from Patches either by purchasing from him in Firelink Shrine or dropped by him in the Tomb of the Giants.
  • Crest Shield - Dropped by the Hollowed Hero in the Undead Asylum.

  • Crystal Ring Shield - Ascended using the Soul of the Moonlight Butterfly using, essentially, any of the shields found in the game after reinforcing to +10.
  • Dark Hand - Obtained by joining the Darkwraith Covenant.
  • Darkmoon Bow - Ascended using the Soul of Gwyndolin using any of the weapons below after reinforcing to +10.
  • Demon's Spear - Can be purchased from Shiva of the East for 15,000 souls or dropped by the Bat Wing Demons in Anor Londo.
  • Dragon Bone Fist - Ascended using the Core of the Iron Golem using any of the weapons below after reinforcing to +10.
  • Dragon Crest Shield - Found on a corpse in the Valley of the Drakes.
  • Dragon Greatsword - Obtained by cutting off the tail of the Stone Dragon at the end of Ash Lake.

  • Dragon King Greataxe - Obtained by cutting off the tail of the Gaping Dragon.
  • Dragon Tooth - Found inside a treasure chest in Anor Londo.
  • Dragonslayer Greatbow - Found in Anor Londo on a corpse near the Giant Blacksmith.

  • Dragonslayer Spear - Ascended using the Soul of Ornstein using any of the weapons below after reinforcing to +10.
  • Drake Sword - Obtained by cutting off the tail of the Hellkite (red) dragon in the Undead Parish.
  • Effigy Shield - Found in the Tomb of the Giants on a corpse sitting on a ledge.
  • Gargoyle Tail Axe - Acquired by cutting off the tail of the first Belfry Gargoyle during the boss battle in the Undead Parish. Alternatively, it can be acquired from cutting off the tail of one of the two gargoyles in Anor Londo.
  • Giant's Halbred - Can be purchased from the Giant Blacksmith (5,000 souls).
  • Golem Axe - Ascended using the Core of the Iron Golem using any of the weapons below after reinforcing to +10.
  • Grant - Dropped by the Black Phantom Divine Knight Leeroy, in the Tomb of the Giants.
  • Gravelord Sword - Obtained by joining the Covenant of Gravelord Nito.
  • Great Lord Greatsword - Ascended using the Soul of Gwyn using any of the weapons below after reinforcing to +10.
  • Greatshield of Artorias - Ascended using the Soul of Sif using, essentially, any of the shields found in the game after reinforcing to +10.
  • Greatsword of Artorias (Cursed) - Ascended using the Soul of Sif using any of the weapons below after reinforcing to +10.
  • (True) Greatsword of Artorias - Ascended using the Soul of Sif using any of the weapons below after reinforcing to +10.

    • Broken Straight Sword
    • Straight Sword hilt


    [*]Havel's Greatshield - Found in Anor Londo in a chest. The room where this is located is after you've made it into the castle interior. The room also has the rest of Havel's armor.

    [*]Lifehunt Scythe - Ascended using the Soul of Priscilla the Crossbreed using any of the weapons below after reinforcing to +10.

    [*]Moonlight Butterfly Horn - Ascended using the Soul of the Moonlight Butterfly using any of the weapons below after reinforcing to +10.

    [*]Moonlight Greatsword - Obtained by cutting off the tail of Seath the Scaleless.

    [*]Priscilla's Dagger - Obtained by cutting off the tail of Priscilla the Crossbreed in the Painted World of Ariamis.

    [*]Quelaag's Furysword - Ascended using the Soul of Quelaag using any of the weapons below after reinforcing to +10.

    [*]Sanctus - Dropped by the Black Phantom Divine Knight Leeroy, in the Tomb of the Giants.

    [*]Silver Knight Shield - Dropped by any Silver Knight in Anor Londo.

    [*]Silver knight Spear - Dropped by the spear-wielding Silver Knights in Anor Londo.

    [*]Silver Knight Straight Sword - Dropped by the sword-wielding Silver Knights in Anor Londo.

    [*]Smough's Hammer - Ascended using the Soul of Smough using any of the weapons below after reinforcing to +10.

    [*]Stone Greatshield - Obtained from the Great Stone Knights of Darkroot Garden.

    [*]Stone Greatsword - Obtained from the Great Stone Knights of Darkroot Garden.

    [*]Tin Darkmoon Catalyst - Ascended using the Soul of Gwyndolin using any of the catalysts below.

    [*]Velka's Rapier - Found on a corpse in the Painted World of Ariamis.



(Musste etwas text entfernen)

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Ich weiß nicht ob das schon mal gepostet wurde oder so, aber ich hab mich Gestern echt deswegen tot gelacht, weil es so extrem der Wahrheit entspricht :D


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