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[COD:BO2] [Multiplayerthread]


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Grad 2 Std gezockt und 2 Std ordentlich bei SuZ rasiert..

Gibt Gott sei Dank doch die normalen 500 XP für einen Kill, im Spiel wirds wegen der Punkteserien lediglich mit 100 angegeben..


Hab dadurch meine K/D sogar verbessert, WEIL die ganzen verkackten Spawns nicht mehr beachtet werden müssen !

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Hier ! Kein fake



Hello, *****

Edward B: Activision Support reporting for duty!

You: Hi

You: Is this the Activision Live Support Chat?

Edward B: Hello, and thank you for chatting with Activision Customer Support! My name is Edward. To better assist you, I would like to ask for a few details. May I please, have your email address, and Gamer Tag? Also which console you play on (XBox, PS3, Wii or PC)?

You: PS3, SEN Name: *****, Black Ops 2

You: I'm getting the server is not available at this time error

You: My ISP is not the problem.

Edward B: I understand your issue and I do apologize for your troubles but I will do my best to explain.

Edward B: This is an ongoing issue and we recently released a patch to correct the problem. The patch did correct the issue for many but some players are still having issues.

Edward B: We will be rolling out a new patch sometime with in the next 24 hours that should, again, address the issue. I appologize for the troubles but we are working to correct this issue right away. I do not have an excate time for the patch update but it will be out very soon. In HOURS possibly.Do you have any other questions?

You: May I correct you: I looked in forums and it did not help for anyone. But keep going

You: Okay sounds good

Edward B: I t helped for most players. The only people you will see in th eformus are th epeopl ethat can not conncett still. Th eplayers it worked for didn't go back to th eforums because they could play again..

You: Will there be any compensation for those who have missed the double XP weekend?

You: Because I actually payed for it through pre ordering

Edward B: there may be compensation offered after theissue is corrected. Probabaly in the form of DOUBLE TIME .

You: Okay thanks

Edward B: I appologize for the troubles but we will work to correct this issue right away. Do you have any other questions?

You: No thanks

Edward B: I appreciate your time and effort teaming up with me on this issue. You’ll likely receive an Activision email inviting you to a Web-based Customer Survey that rates my personal performance with you. There are also comment fields in the Survey where you can provide feedback on Activision products, services like Elite and Activision policies. Your feedback is very important, and will be read by the upper l levels of Activision that make decisions. Thank you for contacting Activision Support. You have a great day.

The chat has been ended by the agent.





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cool danke aber mein englisch ist nicht so gut.

wenn ich das richtig vertsanden habe bringen sie in den nächsten 24 stunden einen patch raus der mein problem lösen sollte?

ist das so richtig?



gruß Nick


Genau war schon richtig was du geschrieben hast die haben schon gestern damit angefangen und geben richtig gas, ich denke morgen sollte er freigegeben werden

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