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E3 2014

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Ein bissle witzig an der Sache ist ja, dass das Spiel von nem deutschen Entwickler eventuell garnicht in Deutschland erscheinen wird. XD


Oder auch ziemlich traurig. :traurig:


hehe, der typ ist ein ehemaliger arbeitskollege von mir :naughty:


Muss ja krass ihn dann dort auf einmal zu sehen ^^

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Jopp.^^ Ist nachwievor der geilste Trailer der E3.^^


Da widersprech ich Dir zumindest etwas. Auch wenn mich das Spiel vollkommen kalt läßt (weiß echt nicht wieso, ist aber so) fand ich den Sunset Overdrive Trailer noch ein ganzes Stück stylisher wie den Dead Island 2 Trailer. So dermaßen abgefahren, da konnte Dead Island 2 einfach nicht mithalten.

Aber kurze Anmerkung: Der 1. Dead Island 1 Trailer damals war einfach göttlich.

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Da widersprech ich Dir zumindest etwas. Auch wenn mich das Spiel vollkommen kalt läßt (weiß echt nicht wieso, ist aber so) fand ich den Sunset Overdrive Trailer noch ein ganzes Stück stylisher wie den Dead Island 2 Trailer. So dermaßen abgefahren, da konnte Dead Island 2 einfach nicht mithalten.

Aber kurze Anmerkung: Der 1. Dead Island 1 Trailer damals war einfach göttlich.


Ich fand den Sunset Overdrive Trailer auf Grund des Charakters nicht so ansprechend, ansonsten sah es ganz witzig aus.

Stimme Alopex zu. Die Dead Island Trailer haben immer was makaberes an sich (Plakat am Ende: Get The Body You Deserve). Die Atmosphäre ist in diesen Trailern einfach unschlagbar, finde ich. Man bekommt sofort das Gefühl in diese Welt eintauchen zu wollen (natürlich nur spielerisch :keks2:)

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Ich fand den Sunset Overdrive Trailer auf Grund des Charakters nicht so ansprechend, ansonsten sah es ganz witzig aus.

Stimme Alopex zu. Die Dead Island Trailer haben immer was makaberes an sich (Plakat am Ende: Get The Body You Deserve). Die Atmosphäre ist in diesen Trailern einfach unschlagbar, finde ich. Man bekommt sofort das Gefühl in diese Welt eintauchen zu wollen (natürlich nur spielerisch :keks2:)


was ich nur doof finde, bei dead island sind die trailer immer so geil.


und im spiel kommen solche videos nie vor, finde ich echt schade.

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Paar Planetside2 Meinungen




While the PlayStation 4 version of PlanetSide 2 isn't quite finished, given that the development team is still ironing out some UI kinks, the shooting still feels as solid as it ever has. If anything, I felt better handling a DualShock 4 when searching for enemies. The shoulder button control scheme should feel comfortable for any console FPS player, with L2 used to aim down sights, L1 used for special abilities, and R2 used to gun down enemies. It's easy enough to get the hang of that I quickly racked up a kill streak, something I once thought unthinkable after previously playing on PC.


However, the controls aren't quite perfect, which is where the PS4 version has hit somewhat of a snag. The developers point out that while infantry controls are smooth, vehicle controls are feeling somewhat clunky. While I witnessed tanks and aircraft moving about during my session, they weren't doing so very gracefully. In fact, I saw an aircraft accidentally plow right into a mountain at one point. Refining vehicle controls is among the PlanetSide 2 team's top priorities.


On a more positive note, PlanetSide 2 looks every bit as beautiful on PS4 as it does on PC. Creative director Matt Higby previously boasted that the PS4 version would be like the PC version set to Ultra. Having seen it for myself on a 50" HDTV, it's somewhat difficult to dispute that claim. The framerate ran smooth throughout and there were no visible tears or glitches to be found. On top of being a solid shooting experience, it should be a pleasant visual one for PS4 owners, as well.





While I can't claim to be a console FPS specialist, the controls did feel intuitive. If you've played any Halo or Call of Duty title, you're going to be able to instantly grasp the controls. The game's class and loadout system is easy to pick up and play with, and also allows for deeper customization for advanced players. Outside of the controls being moved to the PS4 controller, all other content from the PC game from vehicles to the world is unchanged in the console version. In addition, I'm fairly certain that the game looks better on the PS4 than it looks on many PCs running the game on medium or lower settings.




How this game plans to differentiate itself is by controlling like a competent first person shooter. Unlike other MMO FPS games out there, the developers at SOE are focused on making sure the shooting aspect is nailed down. I can safely report after watching and getting my hands on the game that they are on the right track to make a great feeling shooter. Everything from the gunplay to the movement of the character moved fluidly. It’s difficult to describe why the controls feel right without going into how other games do it wrong, but rest assured this plays and feels like a proper FPS first and an MMO second, but that is not to underscore the MMO aspect of the game because based on what was shown from the PC version, which is currently available, the world is huge with battles happening throughout as the three factions battle for control of the map.

Unfortunately the UI for the PlayStation 4 version wasn’t fully up yet as they are trying to find the best way to display all the information present currently in the menus on PC. They are aware of other MMO’s difficulties with UI and are working on solutions to make the best possible experience for console gamers
. Which is good to hear since past MMOs to make the jump to consoles have been troubled in the UI department.


Currently there are hopes for a 2014 launch on PS4, but they are in no rush to push the game out before it is ready.
With promises of a fair and complete free to play experience PlanetSide 2 looks very promising. For those interested in giving the game a shot on PS4, information on the beta is expected in the near future.

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was ich nur doof finde, bei dead island sind die trailer immer so geil.


und im spiel kommen solche videos nie vor, finde ich echt schade.


Das die Spiele in naher Zukunft nicht wie im Trailer sind sollte einem dann schon klar sein, aber was man auch bedenken sollte ist, dass wir dem was wir in diesen CGI Videos sehen immer näher kommen :good:

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