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Gran Turismo Sport


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direct feed gameplay auch schon gesehn?





Jo, kenne ich. Danke!

Auch ein Grund, weshalb ich mittlerweile recht gespannt bin, welche Neuigkeiten bis zum Erscheinen im November kommen werden. Der Wegfall von dynamischen Tageszeiten und Wetterverhältnissen ist mittlerweile gut verdaut, auch wenn es schade ist. Immerhin gibt's unterschiedliche Tageszeiten und Regen/Schnee (hab ja noch DriveClub notfalls :D).

Von Langstreckenrennen wie Le Mans und Nordschleife mal abgesehen, gibt's in der Realität kaum Tageszeitenwechsel innerhalb eines Rennens und das Hauptaugenmerk des Spiels liegt auf dem Sport-Modus. Forza wird ja auch gefeiert, also sollte man GT: Sport ganz nüchtern betrachtet eine Chance geben. Wird sicher ein cooles Spiel, beobachte es jetzt weiter und werde dann entscheiden, ob ich es mir zum Launch gönne oder ein wenig später :good:

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"PD plans to hire a professional F1 racing coach to work for the game. Once a gamer win the chance to enter the finals FIA-Gran Turismo Championships,he/she will be trained by the hired F1 coach before the finals begin。"




werden aber nicht viele erleben

Bearbeitet von A!!
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"PD have prepared a lot of offline gaming contents to make the old fans happy, the traditional pleasure of GT series is still there."


Finde ich auch noch interessant und wichtig zu hören. Wertet das Spiel auf, auch wenn der Kern das Online-Gameplay rund um den Sport-Modus ist.

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"PD have prepared a lot of offline gaming contents to make the old fans happy, the traditional pleasure of GT series is still there."


Finde ich auch noch interessant und wichtig zu hören. Wertet das Spiel auf, auch wenn der Kern das Online-Gameplay rund um den Sport-Modus ist.

vl meint er die 115 prüfungen?

wäre aber gut wenn noch mehr offline events dazu kommen


chinesische seiten berichten auch das GTS insgesamt 400-500 fahrzeuge haben wird(nach release)

mal sehn obs stimmt

"Kaz: In the end, there will be around 4 to 5 hundred cars. All cars have been re-modeled, and there won't be standard cars.)"




Q: Have you noticed any cars worthy of attention in Shanghai since you got off the plane?


A: I've seen a lot of cars here, many which have made me look twice. I'm particularly fond of this Lancer Evo X which had a GT Logo printed on it.


Q: It's been 2 months since the London reveal; what changes and improvements have been made to the current build?


A: We're hard at work every day, and [the game] keeps improving daily. The progress during the London reveal was at 50%, and now it's around 70%. There are still many aspects which can be further improved.


Q: GT Academy has brought about various talented racers; there are also many young racers with potential here in China (PRC), so are there any future plans for a GT Academy in China (PRC)?


A: I really wish for (Mainland) Chinese players to be able to participate in GT Academy, but currently there aren't any confirmed plans.


Q: How does the digital license relate to a real-life license; can one drive on a racetrack in real-life with a digital license?


A: We are still currently making arrangements with car manufacturers and racing clubs. Specific details will be announced later.


Q: Can you reveal the release date of GT Sport in China (PRC)?


A: We are still vigorously preparing for China (PRC). I'm currently not sure when it will be out. (Note: GT Sport will be out in Taiwan (ROC) and Hong Kong on November 15th, however)


Q: Does the Gran Turismo series now feel pressure from the competition of other racing games? How does GT maintain its uniqueness?


A: Since the launch of Gran Turismo in 1997, we've continuously strived to [lead the industry] (literal translation: walking in the front-end of times) . With that as our target, we won't follow the path of other racing games.


Q: If players of the Mainland China region purchases a Hong Kong version of the game, will they still be able to receive a license from China (PRC) and represent Mainland China in the Nations Cup?


A: Accounts of other regions won't be able to receive a license from China (PRC) to represent China (PRC) in the Nations Cup, as this is tied to [the player's] PSN account.


Q: Why is this new work called GT Sport; are there any special meanings within it?


A: Actually, it wouldn't be too [far-fetched] to call it Gran Turismo 7, as the game's content is very complete; it has everything it should have. On one hand, we wanted the name to have a competitive vibe to it. On the other hand, people often play basketball or football (soccer) on the streets, so we also wanted to make GT Sport into an "amateur sport" of the same kind, and make it into a way of life.


Q: What VR features will GT Sport have?


A: All race events will support VR.


Q: Will there still be the concept of "standard cars" in the game? At launch there will be 140 cars, but how many will be there in the end?


A: In the end, there will be around 4 to 5 hundred cars. All cars have been re-modeled, and there won't be standard cars.


Q: Shanghai International Circuit has hosted top-tier international races like F1, so will you add this circuit into the Gran Turismo series?


A: We've actually wanted to add the Shanghai International Circuit since a while back, and we're currently making arrangements.


Q: Previously we've seen locations such as Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur demonstrated in the game. Will you add any sceneries from China (PRC)?


A: Everyone, please tell me which locations from China (PRC) you want added.


Q: Will you continue participating in real-life races in the future?


A: I will continue to participate. Next month I will be participating in the Nurburgring race.


Q: Will the companion app for GT Sport be released in China (PRC)?


A: The app's release is still being discussed at this moment.


Q: Asides from playing Gran Turismo, what else would you recommend to players who wish to become professional racing drivers?


A: Asides from playing games, one must consider various different situations while driving [in real-life]. If you want to become a racing driver, you must have strong resilience and be quick to react and make judgments, which all needs to be trained professionally.


Q: Will PS3 wheels continue to work in GT Sport?


A: We plan to continue supporting PS3 wheels , but we also launched new wheels, and hope you'll buy them.


Q: During development, are you biased towards your preferred car makes and models?


A: Of course there's a bit of bias.


Q: Who's your favorite F1 driver?


A: I like Ferrari's Vettel. His mind is very clear.




Bearbeitet von A!!
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vl meint er die 115 prüfungen?

wäre aber gut wenn noch mehr offline events dazu kommen


chinesische seiten berichten auch das GTS insgesamt 400-500 fahrzeuge haben wird(nach release)

mal sehn obs stimmt

"Kaz: In the end, there will be around 4 to 5 hundred cars. All cars have been re-modeled, and there won't be standard cars.)"




Q: Have you noticed any cars worthy of attention in Shanghai since you got off the plane?


A: I've seen a lot of cars here, many which have made me look twice. I'm particularly fond of this Lancer Evo X which had a GT Logo printed on it.


Q: It's been 2 months since the London reveal; what changes and improvements have been made to the current build?


A: We're hard at work every day, and [the game] keeps improving daily. The progress during the London reveal was at 50%, and now it's around 70%. There are still many aspects which can be further improved.


Q: GT Academy has brought about various talented racers; there are also many young racers with potential here in China (PRC), so are there any future plans for a GT Academy in China (PRC)?


A: I really wish for (Mainland) Chinese players to be able to participate in GT Academy, but currently there aren't any confirmed plans.


Q: How does the digital license relate to a real-life license; can one drive on a racetrack in real-life with a digital license?


A: We are still currently making arrangements with car manufacturers and racing clubs. Specific details will be announced later.


Q: Can you reveal the release date of GT Sport in China (PRC)?


A: We are still vigorously preparing for China (PRC). I'm currently not sure when it will be out. (Note: GT Sport will be out in Taiwan (ROC) and Hong Kong on November 15th, however)


Q: Does the Gran Turismo series now feel pressure from the competition of other racing games? How does GT maintain its uniqueness?


A: Since the launch of Gran Turismo in 1997, we've continuously strived to [lead the industry] (literal translation: walking in the front-end of times) . With that as our target, we won't follow the path of other racing games.


Q: If players of the Mainland China region purchases a Hong Kong version of the game, will they still be able to receive a license from China (PRC) and represent Mainland China in the Nations Cup?


A: Accounts of other regions won't be able to receive a license from China (PRC) to represent China (PRC) in the Nations Cup, as this is tied to [the player's] PSN account.


Q: Why is this new work called GT Sport; are there any special meanings within it?


A: Actually, it wouldn't be too [far-fetched] to call it Gran Turismo 7, as the game's content is very complete; it has everything it should have. On one hand, we wanted the name to have a competitive vibe to it. On the other hand, people often play basketball or football (soccer) on the streets, so we also wanted to make GT Sport into an "amateur sport" of the same kind, and make it into a way of life.


Q: What VR features will GT Sport have?


A: All race events will support VR.


Q: Will there still be the concept of "standard cars" in the game? At launch there will be 140 cars, but how many will be there in the end?


A: In the end, there will be around 4 to 5 hundred cars. All cars have been re-modeled, and there won't be standard cars.


Q: Shanghai International Circuit has hosted top-tier international races like F1, so will you add this circuit into the Gran Turismo series?


A: We've actually wanted to add the Shanghai International Circuit since a while back, and we're currently making arrangements.


Q: Previously we've seen locations such as Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur demonstrated in the game. Will you add any sceneries from China (PRC)?


A: Everyone, please tell me which locations from China (PRC) you want added.


Q: Will you continue participating in real-life races in the future?


A: I will continue to participate. Next month I will be participating in the Nurburgring race.


Q: Will the companion app for GT Sport be released in China (PRC)?


A: The app's release is still being discussed at this moment.


Q: Asides from playing Gran Turismo, what else would you recommend to players who wish to become professional racing drivers?


A: Asides from playing games, one must consider various different situations while driving [in real-life]. If you want to become a racing driver, you must have strong resilience and be quick to react and make judgments, which all needs to be trained professionally.


Q: Will PS3 wheels continue to work in GT Sport?


A: We plan to continue supporting PS3 wheels , but we also launched new wheels, and hope you'll buy them.


Q: During development, are you biased towards your preferred car makes and models?


A: Of course there's a bit of bias.


Q: Who's your favorite F1 driver?


A: I like Ferrari's Vettel. His mind is very clear.




Das sind aber dann so viele wie bei Forza Motorsport 6 :think:

Könnte allerdings ein Langzeitprojekt sein. Vielleicht gibt's DLC für die nächsten drei Jahre. 140 Autos zum Start des Spiels, oder?


Hier hoffe ich, dass man das DFGT unterstützen wird. Das würde meine Kaufentscheidung sehr positiv beeinflussen.


"Q: Will PS3 wheels continue to work in GT Sport?


A: We plan to continue supporting PS3 wheels , but we also launched new wheels, and hope you'll buy them."

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Das sind aber dann so viele wie bei Forza Motorsport 6 :think:

Könnte allerdings ein Langzeitprojekt sein. Vielleicht gibt's DLC für die nächsten drei Jahre. 140 Autos zum Start des Spiels, oder?


Hier hoffe ich, dass man das DFGT unterstützen wird. Das würde meine Kaufentscheidung sehr positiv beeinflussen.


"Q: Will PS3 wheels continue to work in GT Sport?


A: We plan to continue supporting PS3 wheels , but we also launched new wheels, and hope you'll buy them."

ja es sind 140

angeblich sollen die alle innerhalb von einem jahr kommen

vl übernehmen sie das DriveClub konzept? jedes monat neue fahrzeuge?

könnte teuer werden lol


mal sehn ob sie das mit den PS3 lenkräder schaffen

wäre top:good:

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