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[Killzone 3] MP Thread


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Habe gerade mal wieder länger gezockt und hab festgestellt das diese vielen Camper meistens neuanfänger sind,die den unsichtbar modus benutzen,weil sie noch keine Ahnung haben und den zweikampf scheuen.

Erfahrene Sniper trifft man auch,die wissen sich in engen situationen aber auch zu wehren. Man merkt den Unterschied. Die Unerfahrenen hat man dann doch schnell umgangen und im zweikampf gibt's dann auffe Nase.

Ich zock in letzter zeit aber fast nur noch Guerilla. Bei Kriegszone kann's natürlich ganz anders aussehen. Da gibt es ja ein paar Nadelöhröffnungen,durch die alle durch müssen. Bleib jetzt auch bei TDM,weil es bei kleineren Maps doch eher auf den Mann gegen Mann kampf ankommt.

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ich wollte grade mal wieder kz3 im mp zocken,aber da gibts nen neuen patch heute-was genau ändert der denn?


edit:paar sekunden zu spät:-)


Hier die Patchnotes:





Added Colour blind support When turned On all enemy players and objects will be underlined. This is the case for the minimap and in-game, such as player names.

Frozen Dam Operations The first mission in is now 6 minutes again

Move - Fixed continuous rumble when the PlayStation Eye camera connected

Move - When interacting with a Search & Destroy objective the player will no longer also do a melee

Junkyard - Players can no longer get in an Exoskeleton while using a Jetpack

Blood Gracht Fixed a hang when the Recon ability was used

Fixed a bug where the clan rating decreased after the clan had won a Warzone tournament game

Fixed a hang on the joining screen after the player was kicked (or quit) a game

Clans Fixed an issue where all users received the error 2- (scores cannot be processed) when entering a Guerrilla Warfare match

Fixed a crash when connecting to a custom Warzone game

Fixed a hang when a player with DLC sets up a custom game to start on a DLC map, transfers the leadership to a non-DLC user and this new leader attempts to start the game

Fixed a 10006 network error when joining a Guerrilla Warfare game




Fixed various collision issues on DLC maps

Frozen Dam - Warzone - Fixed a spot where players could get stuck behind an ammo crate and an oil drum near the Dam tactical spawn point.

Accepting a squad invite from the opposing faction will no longer quit the game.

Corinth River - Botzone Fixed an issue with Bots falling through the map

Corinth River - Botzone Fixed a crash in Botzone




Blood Gracht - Fixed a spot where players can get out of the map

MAWLR Graveyard - Operations - Fixed a spot where players can get out of the map during the second objective that should only be accessible once the objective is completed.

Salamun Market Fixed a spot where, using an Exoskeleton, the player could escape the confines of the map

Bilgarsk Boulevard - Fixed a spot where players can get out of the map

Stahl Arms Fixed ISA members accessing the Helghast base without being seen by turrets

Players now get the XP they earned after getting kicked from a game


User Interface


Expanded the information about the Multiplayer status of a friend in the XMB. It will now show the game mode and the map that the player is in.

In some cases players would still experience Scoreboard flickering. This has been fixed

Silent Footsteps icon is now properly visible in game

Fixed an issue with Clan Leaderboards after switching clans

Small Localization fixes

Updates to loading screens

Clan Tag now updates properly after disbanding a clan

Campaign - Elite emblem now updates properly

Fixed a network error when downloading DLC via the main menu 'Downloadable Content' option




Fixed various graphical glitches on DLC maps

Fixed an issue with the Search and Retrieve object for the Marksman when cloaked

Retro Pack Fixed an issue with the minimap

Stahl Arms Fixed an animation problem for players standing on top of the mechanical welding arm. They moved unrealistically when observed by other players

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Hier die Patchnotes:





mein englisch ist so mies-werd aber jetzt mal schauen was ich verstehe:zwinker:


ich dank dir:ok:


edit:o.k.,scheint ja alles nichts wildes zu sein-nur fehlerbehebung.gut gut-ich geh dann ne runde zocken-lust auf ne runde? meine psn-id ist die gleiche wie mein name hier


würde mal gerne mit jemandem mit headset spielen

Bearbeitet von AlexiusD
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