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SOCOM: Confrontation


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Wie ich gesehen habe die zwei Brüderchen hier heute schon den Installationsmarathon hinter sich gebracht und schon einige Partien gespielt.Wie hat euch dieser Leckerbissen gemundet????:zwinker:

Wenn Ihr euch in die eingängige Steuerung eingefunden habt,dann gibt es für euch bald keinen zweiten Shooter neben diesem Juwel.Nur feingeschliffen werden muss er noch von den Entwicklern.

Leider ziehen viele diesen CoD,Battlefield,xyz Einheitsmampf vor - Pech für die.:naughty:


Freue mich auf die bevorstehenden Partien mit euch und der General gibt auch Dir Nico mal eine Lehrstunde.:censored:

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SOCOM: Confrontation 1.30 Update Posted by Seth Luisi




I wanted to provide a quick update to everyone in the community regarding the current status of the SOCOM: Confrontation 1.30 update.


We are almost finished with development on the update. The team at Slant Six Games are wrapping up all of the remaining features and fixes which will be included in the 1.30 update and expect to deliver a final candidate to SCEA First Party QA soon. Once SCEA First Party QA receives the final candidate they will need some time to play through the update and verify that there are no issues with it. This takes some time as there are a lot of new features and the trophies themselves take many days of play to acquire them all. SCEA First Party QA has been testing the 1.30 update throughout development but they need to perform a final pass on the master candidate to make sure nothing has been missed. Once SCEA First Party QA has finished with their final verification we will submit the patch to SCEA Format QA who must also test it and approve it for release. SCEA Format QA must approve all games and updates released on the PlayStation®3.


We will try to keep the community up to date as the SOCOM: Confrontation 1.30 update makes its way through the final release process.


As I'm sure many of you have noticed, we've released some new Ranked medley games this morning. Based on feedback from the community, we added 8x8 and 4x4 Demolition medley games. We also fixed the respawn medley games so that they are actually “respawn” games and lowered the round time from 8 minutes to 6 minutes. This is just the first round of changes we have planned for the medley games. We plan on updating them again soon to offer more variety in the default ranked medleys. If you have any feedback on specific medley changes you would like to see, post it in the forums.


Finally, I wanted to address some of the feedback we received from the Dev Q&A on Monday and specifically the Q&A regarding joining a friend’s game directly from the friends list. As mentioned, this is something that we are actively investigating and looking to see if it is possible to include in a future update. I can say that it will not make it into the 1.30 update but we are looking to see if we can make finding your friends’ games easier in 1.30. Adding the feature to join your friend’s game directly from your friends list to the 1.30 update would significantly delay the 1.30 update and we want to get the 1.30 update out ASAP as it really improves the game a lot. Some people took my answer to this question to mean that we will not implement the feature at all, which is simply not true.




Seth Luisi

Director of Development

Sony Computer Entertainment America


Besser,besser am besten.:ok:

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Wie kacke... Ich hab jetzt eine Woche oder so nicht gespielt... alle Stats weg... Ein Scheißdreck ist das -.-


Wie die sind weg????Hast Du überhaupt Ranked gespielt?Es gibt auch eine Statistik für Ungewertete Spiele.Vielleicht sind die dort gespeichert.Bei Statistik einfach Dreieck drücken,dann bekommst Du die präsentiert.

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Sagt mal wo finde ich mal nen Test zu Socom? weil in der aktuellen play 3 ist dazu keine wertung halt nur psn. welche wertung würde das spiel bekommen?


Spätestens in der Februar 2009 Play3 dürfte ein Test zu finden sein, da es ja Ende Januar in Europa auf den Markt kommt. Ich habe die Importversion geordert und sie liegt seit gestern hier *freu* zum austesten bin ich aber wegen Internetprobs noch nicht gekommen ^^

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