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Need to spread the news. Play3 scheint ja Twisted Metal-Infos zu boykottieren. :rolleyes:


The sniper rifle in Twisted Metal does not work like a full on sniper rifle. It's a BIT like a sniper rifle, a BIT like the reticle attack in Twisted Metal Black. Here's the gist:


-activate the weapon and if a target is in range it sends out a red laser site. Enemy can be 10 feet away or clear across the level.


-Targeting an enemy opens up a sniper scope window that shows the car you are targeting in a zoomed in view. This scope is only about 5-10% of your screen so you can still drive and play while you have your AI controlled gunner character aiming at the enemy (as long as you keep the enemy in target cone/range).


-So the actual play mechanic is more about 'can you keep enemy in range/target' but it's a pretty wide range.


- Every 7 seconds (or so) the laser site moves to a another area of the car. Starts with the wheels, then the body, then the gas tank, then finally goes to the driver's head. What part of the enemy the site is positioned on when you press fire determines the damage you do and the impulse. So hit the wheels of the car and do about 12 points of damage but get a bit impulse as you 'blow out the tires'. Get the body and get less impulse but about 20 pts of damage. Gas tank hit = mega explosion and car toss (simulating gas tank going boom) and you do about 30pts. HEADSHOT = instant death of the enemy but this takes the longest to do.


- When you are targeted you can see the red site on you so you can try to escape/find cover OR shield at the right time to block the incoming bullet.


- IF you are targeting car A and you manually switch to CAR B, the location of the sniper drops anywhere form a full level (car wheels drops to car body) to about 50% of a level (this aspect is not locked yet). This allows offense to get sneaky and trick a car into thinking THEY are about to get shot but then manually change targets at the last second and take an enemy by surprise. BUT because we drop the target/sniper position a level, there's no way to get an instant kill this way. Anyone who dies by sniper headshot will have time (but will they have the skill/knowledge of the level?) to seek cover or shield or kill the guy with the sniper rifle BEFORE the headshot is executed.




Falls es jemand noch nicht gesehen hat, ist hier der komplette Interview von David Jaffe bei GTTV


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