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mit den real name und den nickname kann man einstellen, man kann auch ein fake name verwenden, so wie jeder möchte, ist sofort bei ps4 start möglich, hier der bericht :



Danke für den Link, auch wenn ich das schon gewusst habe. Meine Frage war eher ob man, obwohl man (noch) nicht die Konsole besitzt die Einstellung ändern kann und was bei der PS4 als Standard verwendet wird. Wird standardmäßig der Nickname oder der echte Name angezeigt? Dürfte den ein oder anderen interessieren.


Zum Glück will Sony (anscheinend) in den nächsten Wochen ein umfangreiches FAQ veröffentlichen.

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Danke für den Link, auch wenn ich das schon gewusst habe. Meine Frage war eher ob man, obwohl man (noch) nicht die Konsole besitzt die Einstellung ändern kann und was bei der PS4 als Standard verwendet wird. Wird standardmäßig der Nickname oder der echte Name angezeigt? Dürfte den ein oder anderen interessieren.


Zum Glück will Sony (anscheinend) in den nächsten Wochen ein umfangreiches FAQ veröffentlichen.


nein, ich glaube kaum, das geht erst, wenn man die PS4 hat.

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Deine letzte Signatur gefiel mir mehr (wegen Beyond) :D




Um welchen Thread geht's?




Warum hab ich so das Gefühl, dass hier momentan "sheldon, howard usw" schreiben, wenn ich lese, was gemacht wird, wenn die PS4 da is?

Nerdalarm x10 :facepalm: + trollface%20.gif + :haha:


Nicht nur "momentan", sondern immer :D

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"Killzone Shadowfall - No splash screens, no logos, no epilepsy warning. Just game."

"Realistically, I think a lot of people can do this... It's just that the initial chunk of 7.5GB is quite big. I think if we would have known

exactly how everything would work... I think next time around we'll try to see if we can design something that doesn't jeopardise the

game which will make it even friendlier. But I think all things considered, this being launch and we've got like 2 minutes 44 from

disc to the first level and no installs, I think it's already a massive improvement over previous generations. "

Whether played from hard disc or Blu-ray, van der Leeuw is particularly proud of how fast and seamlessly the game loads; it's been

a pet project for the tech director, who hates how slow modern games have become to operate. Guerrilla has completely eliminated

in-game load times after an initial 30 seconds, and removed all logos and splash screens from the game's start-up routine. It may

take a while to download Killzone Shadow Fall, but once you have it, the game comes to you very quickly indeed.

"To me, that's still something that fills my heart with joy when I see it. You insert the disc and go straight to menu ," he says.

"People here worked very hard... We had to ask legal and Dolby, the epilepsy warning stuff, the logos from Havok - we had to

negotiate with them that we could put it in the credits and not the title screen ... All the rules are built around the previous

generation. I'm really happy that we're one of the first ones in, and I hope it's an example that people are going to follow"


Cool. :ok:

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Gefällt mir richtig gut.


Man will einfach loslegen mit dem spielen, und nicht 10 minuten anschauen, welche Firmen mitgemacht haben, oder welche Hinweise es gibt.


Man braucht einfach nur die Disk reinlegen/Werfen(wenn man gut zielen kann:zwinker:) und kann nach 20 Sekunden sofort spielen.

Hoffe bei den anderen Spielen ist es auch so :smileD:

Bearbeitet von Keisulution
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"Killzone Shadowfall - No splash screens, no logos, no epilepsy warning. Just game."

"Realistically, I think a lot of people can do this... It's just that the initial chunk of 7.5GB is quite big. I think if we would have known

exactly how everything would work... I think next time around we'll try to see if we can design something that doesn't jeopardise the

game which will make it even friendlier. But I think all things considered, this being launch and we've got like 2 minutes 44 from

disc to the first level and no installs, I think it's already a massive improvement over previous generations. "

Whether played from hard disc or Blu-ray, van der Leeuw is particularly proud of how fast and seamlessly the game loads; it's been

a pet project for the tech director, who hates how slow modern games have become to operate. Guerrilla has completely eliminated

in-game load times after an initial 30 seconds, and removed all logos and splash screens from the game's start-up routine. It may

take a while to download Killzone Shadow Fall, but once you have it, the game comes to you very quickly indeed.

"To me, that's still something that fills my heart with joy when I see it. You insert the disc and go straight to menu ," he says.

"People here worked very hard... We had to ask legal and Dolby, the epilepsy warning stuff, the logos from Havok - we had to

negotiate with them that we could put it in the credits and not the title screen ... All the rules are built around the previous

generation. I'm really happy that we're one of the first ones in, and I hope it's an example that people are going to follow"


Cool. :ok:


ich find es absolut unverschämt und scheiße von dir.du must nicht denken das du nun der held bist das du das hier so ein scheiß postest.so ein penner!!!!.........:zwinker: :zwinker: :smileD: :smileD: :smileD: kann das mal einer sinngemäß ein bisschen übersetzen.hatte zu ERICHS zeiten nur russisch :facepalm::facepalm: google bringt nicht wirklich was!

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