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Dark Souls 2

Dean Winchester

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Grüße, hr


offizielle pressemitteilung:






Built upon the foundation established by Souls series creator and Dark Souls II Supervisor, Hidetaka Miyazaki with development helmed by FromSoftware Director Tomohiro Shibuya, Dark Souls II will feature a new hero, a new storyline, and an unfamiliar world for players to survive in while delivering its signature brand of unrelenting punishment that players hunger for.


spricht gegen altbekanntes (patches und co.) außer dem schwierigkeitsgrad.



Bearbeitet von mankind
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offizielle pressemitteilung:






Built upon the foundation established by Souls series creator and Dark Souls II Supervisor, Hidetaka Miyazaki with development helmed by FromSoftware Director Tomohiro Shibuya, Dark Souls II will feature a new hero, a new storyline, and an unfamiliar world for players to survive in while delivering its signature brand of unrelenting punishment that players hunger for.


spricht gegen altbekanntes.




Hmm, da Demon's und Dark Souls auch irgendwie voneinander entfernt sind werde ich noch auf Patches hoffen aber bin jetzt auch etwas besorgt. Bin zwar noch nicht so lange Soul Spieler wie die meisten hier aber habe die Reihe schon sehr ins Herz geschlossen.


Grüße, hr

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Ich kann Mankinds Bedenken verstehen.

Problem ist einfach die Gier nach noch mehr Geld.

Sobald eine Marke erfolg hat, verkauft sich die Marke gut.

Bei Videogames führt das leider oft zu schlechten Folge Titeln.


Wir können alle hoffen, dass Dark Souls 2 dem Konzept Treu bleibt "nur die Harten kommen in den Garten".


Dark Souls 2 darf auf jeden Fall nicht leichter werden!!!

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Sieht gut aus, bild2 erinnert an des, flamelurker.


Das wird schon. Finde nur den releasetermin? Fuer etwas zu früh, es wird doch kein DS aufguss werden ?! Ich hoffe fromsoftware gestaltet den pvp besser, die Ankündigungen vor dem Dlc wurden auch nur teilweise erfüllt. Der Arena Modus ist ein Witz, bei teilweise 10 Minuten Wartezeit.

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ich finde die aussagen "a new hero" etwas irritierend. was ist damit gemeint? wird es nur noch einen charakter geben (z.b. wie bei the witcher)? in den vorigen souls games war der spielbare charakter anonym, ein individuum ohne attribut (wie eben "held"). außerdem finde ich die stimme im video sehr unpassend. bisher wurde das intro von einer englischen stimmen gesprochen. ich hab diesen kritikpunkt (ja, ein etwas pingeliger) auf ign.com aufgeschnappt. wem es interessiert, hier der link:


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Weiss gar nich was ihr alle habt. Dark Souls 2 wird geil und fertig. Klar hätte man hier und da und dort noch was verändern können, aber die Tatsache dass Dark Souls so n Knaller is, is doch der Grund warum hier so irre Challenges gestartet werden und das ein oder andere Pad dran glauben musste, ebenso viele Nerven der meisten Spieler. Solange es nicht leichter im Sinne von "kannst auch den bequemen Weg wählen" wird, is alles top. Hab seit Super Ghouls n Ghosts kein so hartes (aber faires) und fesselndes Spiel mehr gespielt. Der Trailer macht einfach Bock auf mehr. Von mir aus könnts im Januar schon kommen - obwohl ich bis dahin noch lange nich alle Trophäen von Dark Souls beisammen hätte :/

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EDGE Scans:





Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Textstellen:




The first Dark Souls II details have emerged from EDGE. Subscribers have started to receive their issues, and a ton of information has already been transcribed from the magazine.

Read on below for a comprehensive summary of content from EDGE’s article.

- Edge says they were shown a 10 minute playthrough of Dark Souls 2, and it is a huge step forward graphically. It looks on par with Watch Dogs and Star Wars 1313 in terms of “next-gen”-ness, or so they claim.

- Miyazaki is not working on the development of Dark Souls 2. He is not a director or producer, and is merely a “supervisor”.


- Even as a supervisor, he isn’t making any development decisions. He only tried to reinforce the team’s commitment to releasing things on time, because of the bad experience they had with the patches in Dark Souls, and he also recommended the return to server-based gameplay ala Demon’s Souls.


- The new directors, Tomohiro Shibuya and Yui Tanimura, are indeed the From Software staff who previously directed the Another Century’s Episode series. The decision to have the two directors replace Miyazaki was a company decision made by both From Software and Namco Bandai Games to help move the series forward in a fresh direction.


- Miyazaki is working full time on directing a new game. He will not disclose if it is a new IP or a sequel to something else.


- Darks Souls 2 will be a direct sequel, and have an open world of about the same size, but more dense with content.


- It does not take place on Lordran. The name of the world is the key of the story, they will reveal it at a later date.


- One thing Shibuya wants to enhance is the action in the game. He feels that he can contribute because of his experience working on action games in the past.


- Shibuya says he wants to make things like the Covenant system clearer and more accessible, and he wants to make the story and messaging less subtle.


- He promises there will still be “hidden” elements in the story and world which can be missed.


- Development started in September last year, and was done in parallel with some of the Dark Souls patches and DLC content.


- The game is 25% complete, and the team is substantially larger than Dark Souls. The world creation internal staff for the sequel is nearly double that of the first game.


- The game might not make it for 2013.


-This the article source for the infamous “we want the skyrim audience” quote. To be perfectly clear, even though this was already known, this quote is from the writers of the article and not From Software.


-Huge leap in graphical quality. The game is compared to Watch Dogs and Star Wars 1313. Dynamic lighting and smoother animations all around.


-Hidetake Miyazaki, the director for Dark/Demon’s souls, will not be directing the game and will only be lightly involved in the production. To be perfectly honest it basically seems like his name is there to be there- his involvement is mostly about getting the project started and occasionally checking in on it.


-The unknown nature of the games came from Miyazaki’s interest in western fantasy/mythology and his relative inability to read the English text as a child, leaving him to fill in the blanks.


-Miyazaki was disappointed about having to patch Dark Souls, saying that they pushed the game out without being 100% complete. Dark Souls II will be complete when it launches.


-Server based PVP is back (yay!)


-The information about the directors for the game is worrying. Information is unclear whether or not Miyazaki willingly stepped down from the director’s chair. Namco calls is a “company decision” and has this disturbing anecdote to share:

“For the IP to evolve and provide a new experience within the Dark Souls world the new wind from directors Shibuya and Tanimura is key to providing players with a brand new Dark Souls experience. In order to maintain expectations and satisfaction and the rewards players experience this was the time to bring in new characteristics and tastes of the directors for the series to continue evolving.”

That **** sounds worrying to me. I could just be paranoid since this is one of the last bastions of hardcore gaming being released, but it sounds too much like PR bull ****.


-Miyazaki is working on a new game he can’t talk about.


-Miyazaki is disappointed he doesn’t have a greater role in Dark Souls II


-The Graphics are shockingly close to the trailer’s quality


-According to Shibuya, one of the co-directors, the player’s ability to parse meaning from subtle hints or clues will determine the difficulty of the game and the challenges that are there to experience.


-The map is roughly the same size, but has more content and more “areas of interest”.


-The notion that Dark Souls needs to evolve was “common”. Edge says not to expect a minor update.


-In designing map areas, the main concept was to create areas that had not been in either game.


-Talks of implementing a system that will let you reveal the clues you’ve learned over the course of the game (wut?)


-Shibuya talks about “limiting players options for the early portion of the game, making it simpler to understand new concepts. Then, after a certain amount of time has elapsed, they will suddenly experience the true dark souls experience”.

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