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Like the title, Very detailed hacks you can perform on the terminal (main menu thing). I took a ton of time typing this, I hope you all like this smile.gif


To begin, this part has already been discovered and posted, I take no credit of this following part, BIG thanks to TheLegislator


Mission select, "Five" Zombies mode map, Dead Ops Arcade game, Zork game

Enter "3ARC UNLOCK" as a code to unlock the "Five" Zombies mode map, Dead Ops Arcade game, Zork (The Great Underground Empire) text-based adventure game, and all missions.


All Intel

Enter "3ARC INTEL" as a code to unlock all Intel. Note: yes you will get the trophy even by using this code credits to karoolus


Dead Ops Arcade game

Enter "DOA" as a code to unlock the Dead Ops Arcade game, which is a zombie killing mini-game similar to Smash TV. Use the Left Analog-stick to move and the Right Analog-stick to shoot. Note: Play the Dead Ops Arcade game to get the "Insert Coin" achievement.


Zork game

Enter "ZORK" as a code to unlock the Zork (The Great Underground Empire) text-based adventure game. Note: Play the Zork game to get the "Eaten By A Grue" achievement.


Display all commands

Enter "HELP" as a code to display a list of system commands in the terminal and Pentagon user e-mail access.


Open corresponding file

Enter "CAT [filename]" as a code to open the corresponding file.


List audio files and pictures

Enter "DIR" as a code to display a list of audio files and pictures for use with "CAT" command.


List of login names

Enter "WHO" as a code to display a list of login names for use with the "RLOGIN" command (requires passwords).



Notice: I noticed many of you guys asking on where to put these codes. These codes go in when you first launch the game, when your sitting on the chair, just look down and press L2 R2 repeatedly. After that u go walk around till u see a small computer, you press Square and then enter the code, if you have any questions, ask me!


My new/added "hacks" of the terminal. Enjoy

You can start with this: Type "DIR" to see a list of assest in Mason's directory. Each file has a three-letter extension: TXT, SND, or PIC. To examine a file, type "CAT FILENAME.TXT" For instance, if you want to read Dad-Letter1.txt, type "CAT DAD-LETTER1.TXT" You can also listen to sounds and look at pictures in the same way. The pictures in Mason's directory are primarily production artwork.


Read Mail

Type "Mail" in the terminal to enter the mail system. Mail is operated by one-letter commands: ? will bring you the Help menu. I will display your Inbox. [n] will allow you to read a message. Q will Quit your Mail. Type "I" to see Mason's Inbox and type the number of the message to display it in the terminal.


Hack Other User's Accounts

Type "WHO" to see a list of all the users in the computer. Type "LOGIN" to swith users. In order to hack into other user's accounts you will need a password to gain access, the only hint given is that in Mason's email and files contain other user's passwords if you look close enough. Good Luck smile.gif


Zork Hints, Tips

Simply type "ZORK" to get to the game.

To play Zork, you use simple statements like "Attack Troll" to navigate through the world. Little clue: Zork, only uses the first 6 letters you type to perform a command, so like if you were going to type "ZOMBIES" you could just type "ZOMBIE" that was a bad example, but you get the idea.


Zork Commands

"N" will Walk north. "S" will Walk south. "E" wiil Walk east. "W" will Walk west. "U" will go Up. "D" will go Down. "TALK" will Talk to an object. "GIVE x y" will Give someone(x) an object(y). "ATTACK" will Attack something. "TAKE" will Take an object. "USE" will Use an object. "OPEN" will Open an object (like a door or chest) "SAVE" will Save your current position. "RESTORE" will Load your last save. "I" will display your Inventory. "DIAGNOSE" will display your character's medical condition. "G" will Repeat the last command you previously used. "RESTART" will Start the game over from the beginning. "QUIT" Stops the game and gives you your score. "SCORE" Displays your current score.


Understanding the "Terminal"

The "Computer" that contains this all is located in the back of the room & is easy to access, it is referred to as a "computer terminal." The terminal provides access to a simulated Unix server, which allows you to read campaign character's email, access production artwork, and read more backround on the campaign's story.


NOTE: You MUST be at the main menu right after the screen says "Press Start to Begin." Hope you all enjoy, I did NOT copy and paste this from anywhere, but I did use a Black Ops strategy book. __________________



War zu faul um alles zu übersetzen ^^

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