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[Killzone 3] MP Thread


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Also in den Patchnotes steht nicht's von und ich glaub's auch nicht wirklich, dass das kommt.

Das ist das einzige, was ich dazu gefunden habe...


Why are there no custom games in Killzone 3?



  • Custom games are returning, although not exactly as they were in Killzone 2. Two separate updates will be arriving to allow custom games. The first will provide the base functionality, such as:
    - Custom game modes and settings
    - Secure games allowing you to invite the players you want to play with
    - Faction switching
    The second update will give more much more functionality, such as:
    - More control over games modes and settings
    - Toggling on and off functionality, such as ribbons, skills, explosives, etc.
    - Selecting which careers you want available to players
    - Allow friendly fire to be turned on or off
    As well as a few other features.

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Das ist das einzige, was ich dazu gefunden habe...


Why are there no custom games in Killzone 3?



  • Custom games are returning, although not exactly as they were in Killzone 2. Two separate updates will be arriving to allow custom games. The first will provide the base functionality, such as:
    - Custom game modes and settings
    - Secure games allowing you to invite the players you want to play with
    - Faction switching
    The second update will give more much more functionality, such as:
    - More control over games modes and settings
    - Toggling on and off functionality, such as ribbons, skills, explosives, etc.
    - Selecting which careers you want available to players
    - Allow friendly fire to be turned on or off
    As well as a few other features.


interessant! wo hast das denn her?

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Das ist das einzige, was ich dazu gefunden habe...


Why are there no custom games in Killzone 3?



  • Custom games are returning, although not exactly as they were in Killzone 2. Two separate updates will be arriving to allow custom games. The first will provide the base functionality, such as:
    - Custom game modes and settings
    - Secure games allowing you to invite the players you want to play with
    - Faction switching
    The second update will give more much more functionality, such as:
    - More control over games modes and settings
    - Toggling on and off functionality, such as ribbons, skills, explosives, etc.
    - Selecting which careers you want available to players
    - Allow friendly fire to be turned on or off
    As well as a few other features.


Das hört sich ja super an! Geht doch wieder in Richtung KZ2 *FREU*

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Hört sich richtig geil an :D


Die einzige Sache, die mich am MP so ungemein stört ist diese: Ich als Taktiker geh immer als einziger die Taktischen Spawn- und Eroberungsbereiche einnehmen, weil ich das ganz schnell machen kann und die Feldsanis ballern einfach nur rum, selbst wenn man direkt neben denen am verbluten und wiederbeleben dich nicht -.-

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Nein, leider Gottes nein!

Weswegen ich nicht mit Move zocke


.. Schade. Ich hoffe, das wird noch mit nem Patch nachgereicht. Ich glaube da zwar nicht dran, aber es kann ja sein. Vielleicht werde ich mal 1-2 Runden mit Move zocken aber mehr auch nicht. Wenn alle Move hätten wärs sicher um einiges spaßiger.

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